Didactic activity in the University "GhK" Kassel

music :

1995-96 Conducting I - II, Composition;
1996-97 Conducting I - II, Analysis of the symphonic and opera repertory;
1997-98 Conducting I - II, Analysis of the symphonic and opera repertory, Direction of the Opera-Project "La Serva Padrona" by G.B. Pergolesi;
1998-99 Conducting I - II, Direction of the Opera-Project "Die Pruefung";

literature :

1997 Italian literature (supply teacher).


Scientific activity

Title of the Graduation Thesis : For the history of the music and of the theatre in Naples during the XVIII century: three years (1734-1737) throught the documentary sources of the State Archive. The foundation of the Teatro San Carlo.

Co-operation to several researches of the history of the music, University "Federico II" - Naples, Prof. Franco Greco, such as :

- Gli affetti convenienti alle idee (Napoli, ESI, 1993);
- General bibliography about the theme "Don Giovanni", 1995;

1997 1997 research - with a fellowship of the OAAD-Ministry of Science and Research of Austria - about the german-speaking travellers to Naples, particularly concerning the music.

1994-1996 free collaborator by the Music Edition Baerenreiter and Schott.